Saturday, March 12, 2011

Generosity: Lessons from Jack

Last week, Kim and I were invited to share part of our story at church. Adey gave the teaching and we both spoke as well. It details much of our journey. It was amazing and heart wrenching all at once.

Here is the link: Lessons from Jack

You can download the Mp3 file, or just play it from the page.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

update #3

Update on Title 19 waiver application:

It is now physically in the right building.  However, it is not actually the title 19 waiver.  It is something else we were given that doesn't apply to us at all.  Great.  Stay tuned...

Monday, March 7, 2011

wretches and jabberers

Only a few moments before off to bed but AJ and I just got back from viewing Wretches and Jabberers at a screening in Iowa City with friends Tom and Adey. We are completely undone. If my life stops right now then it will have been well-lived just for seeing this film.

I have so many thoughts swirling about it but here's the most insistent:

"God chooses the foolish things of the world to shame the wise, the weak things to shame the strong, the lowly things and the despised things - and the things that are not - to nullify the things that are..."

The marginalized. The oppressed. The outcast. The wretches and the jabberers. I am humbled beyond words and want to soak it up deep into my soul...